Webinars Coronavirus (COVID-19)
► Webinars and Online Courses
"Coronavirus and the Workplace"
- Date: 03/25/2020
- Speaker: Enrique Stile, partner specialized in Labor Law.
- Topic: All participants will be able to share their queries with the experts during the registration process and the presentation.
"Perspectivas de la emergencia sanitaria"
- Date: 03/04/2020
- Speaker: Miguel del Pino, Rodrigo Fermin Garcia, Diego Fernandez, Enrique Stile.
- Topic: The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Argentina and Marval O´Farrel Mairal invite you to a webinar on the impact of the health emergency on the main areas of the companies.
"COVID-19: CÓMO ACTUAR en el MARCO de la LEY" [COVID-19: How to act under the law]
- Date: Wednesday, April 8
- Time: 9.30 to 11 AM
- Speakers: Pablo A. Artagaveytia, Rodrigo F. García, Enrique M. Stile, Enrique Veramendi.
- Content: Key information and useful tools for legal management in the health emergency.
"COVID-19: How Antitrust Enforcers Are Responding to the Global Pandemic"
- Fecha: Tuesday, April 14
- Time: 10:00 a 11:00
- Speaker: Miguel del Pino.
- Content: Key information and useful tools for legal management in the health emergency.
"COVID-19: Tax Relief for Employrs in Latin America"
- Date: Jueves 23 de Abril
- Time: 03:00 PM
- Speaker: Walter Keiniger
- Content: Tax relief packages and incentives offered. Requierements to qualify to tax reliefs. Government backed loans, abatements and other incentives for business. Tax filing deadline extensions.
"Control de precios y de niveles de producción bajo las Leyes de Abastecimiento, Lealtad Comercial y Defensa de la Competencia" [Price and production level control policies in the framework of the Supply, Commercial Loyalty and Competition laws].
- Date: 04/16/2020
- Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM ART
- Speakers: Miguel del Pino, Santiago del Río, Lorena Schiariti, Enrique Veramendi, and Santiago Soria
- Content: Our expert partners will explain the impact of the latest price and production level control policies within the framework of the Supply, Commercial Loyalty and Competition laws. The webinar will also address the main constitutional aspects of the Supply Law.
"Derecho Laboral 4.0 y COVID-19: Claves para un mercado laboral en crisis"
- Fecha: 23/04/2020
- Horario: 09:30 AM a 11:00 AM
- Speaker: Rodrigo Sola Torino, Enrique Stile, Guillermo Osorio, Walter Mañko y Rodrigo Garcia.
- Contenido: In this conference, our specialists will explain alternatives for a an in increase on the labor relationships, the COVID-19 related labor law, meassures such as suspensions and dismissals, law and judiciary backrounds, and the day after the crisis.
This insight is a brief comment on legal news in Argentina; it does not purport to be an exhaustive analysis or to provide legal advice.