International Symbol of Accessibility
The Province of Entre Rios implemented the use of this logo.

Through Law 11153, issued on September 18, 2024, the Province of Entre Rios approved implementing throughout its territory the logo “International Symbol of Accessibility.” This symbol was created by the United Nations Organization 2015-UNO and represents the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
The provincial Executive Branch will establish how to gradually implement it and will make it mandatory in new spaces. It will also be responsible of promoting, disseminating, creating awareness, monitoring, and following up its use.
The Law also establishes that public and private spaces of public access and transportation services in their different modalities must implement the logo, indicating priority and accessibility for people with disabilities.
Finally, the municipalities and communes of the Province of Entre Ríos are invited to adhere to the Law.
This insight is a brief comment on legal news in Argentina; it does not purport to be an exhaustive analysis or to provide legal advice.