Argentine National Big Data Observatory

The Argentine Secretariat of Information Technology and Communications of the Ministry of Communications created a national entity in order to promote and regulate sustainable use of Big Data.

June 30, 2017
Argentine National Big Data Observatory

Recently, the Argentine Secretariat of Information Technology and Communications (the “Secretariat”) of the Ministry of Communications issued Resolution 11-E/ 2017 (the “Resolution”) and created a new entity called the National Big Data Observatory (the “Observatory”). The Observatory will be under the control of the Secretariat and will operate with ad honorem members.

The Observatory was created in the context of a constant evolution of mass data treatment, generated by growing internet traffic and use of smart devices.

The Resolution lists the objectives of the new entity, which include the following:

  1. analysis of the technological evolution of Big Data in a sustainable manner;
  2. study of the legal framework of personal data use as applied to Big Data;
  3. fostering and creation of new public and private Big Data platforms;
  4. exchange of information, implementation and use of Big Data within the public sector and also within the private sector (small businesses, entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs for example);
  5. risk assessment and development of sustainable methods of use of Big Data;
  6. coordination and development of investigations within the state and academic fields;
  7. preparation of reports, audits, compilation of best practices, and proposals for new regulation and technological platforms for public use, among others.

In addition, the Resolution established that the Observatory must coordinate its activity with others Ministries including, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, the Ministry of Modernization and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. It further authorized the creation of specific work groups.

Finally, the Resolution ordered the registration and implementation of the domain name