Expansion of List of Essential Activities and Services
Administrative Decision 450/2020 added eight essential activities to the ones initially established in Section 6 of Decree No. 297/2020 and Administrative Decision No 429/2020.
On April 3, 2020, Administrative Decision No. 450/2020 (the "Decision") was published in the Official Gazette, expanding the list of activities and services declared essential in the emergency, which are exempted from compliance with the "social, preventive and mandatory isolation" and the prohibition of movement, incorporating the activities listed below:
- Sale of building supplies and materials provided by building materials depots.
- Activities related to production, distribution and commercialization of forestry and mining.
- Tanneries, sawmills and wood product factories, mattress factories and road and agricultural machinery factories.
- Activities related to foreign trade: exports of ready-made products and essential imports for the economy.
- Exploration, prospecting, production, processing and commercialization of nuclear fuel.
- Essential maintenance and fumigation services.
- Mutual and cooperative credit societies, with scaled-down service, for the sole purpose of guaranteeing the operation of the credit and/or payment system.
- Registration, identification and documentation of persons.
In addition, the Decision clarifies that the exception to the isolation provided for telecommunications, fixed and mobile internet and digital services activities (Section 6, paragraph 14 of Decree No. 297/20) includes server maintenance activities; and that the exception to the isolation referred to the activity of funeral services, burials and cremations (Section 6, paragraph 7 of Decree No. 297/20) includes persons affected by the activity of providing the necessary inputs for funeral services, burials and cremations.
The Decision establishes that the persons included in this Administrative Decision must process a “Certificado Único Habilitante para Circulación - Covid-19” (a unique certificate to get around during the emergency; to process the certificate, please go to https://tramitesadistancia.gob.ar/ )
The Decision is in force in the Argentine Republic since April 3, 2020.
This insight is a brief comment on legal news in Argentina; it does not purport to be an exhaustive analysis or to provide legal advice.