Detalle Profesional
Pablo S. Cereijido
Pablo S. Cereijido
Insurance & Reinsurance / Litigation & Arbitration
Spanish - English
(54-11) 4310-0174
Pablo S. Cereijido

"Star individual Pablo Cereijido is highly acclaimed by peers for his standout expertise in insurance matters. He is widely regarded as a top choice for clients who seek insurance and reinsurance advice in Argentina."
Chambers Latin America, 2024


Pablo S. Cereijido joined Marval O'Farrell Mairal in 1993 and has been a partner of the firm since 2003. A member of the Litigation Department, he specializes in insurance and reinsurance law and has actively participated in international commercial arbitrations.

He advises on reinsurance matters, on matters related to different lines of insurance, on insurance and reinsurance claims, on the drafting of insurance policies and on matters related to insurance brokers, agents and non-traditional distribution channels.

He has led the incorporation and merger of insurers and portfolio transfers and worked on the registration of foreign reinsurers and reinsurance brokers with the Argentine authorities. He advises on the insurance and reinsurance regulatory framework.

In 1997 he worked as a foreign associate at the Insurance and Reinsurance Department at a London law firm.

Pablo S. Cereijido qualified as a lawyer at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina in 1993 and attained a Master of Laws degree at the University of London in 1999. He is a professor of Insurance Law, both at graduate and post-graduate level, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina School of Law, and Insurtech professor in the Law & Fintech post-graduate course of the same university.

Ranked in Star Individual in Chambers & Partners Latin America, he is listed as “Leading Individual” in Legal 500 and named Global Leader in the Argentina Insurance Law section of Who’s Who Legal and LL250.

He has been a speaker in different seminars and conferences and published articles on insurance and reinsurance matters in Argentina and abroad.

He is the Vicepresident of AIDA Argentina (Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances), Secretary of the Reinsurance Working Party of AIDA International and Vicepresident of the Reinsurance Working Party of the Comite Iberolatinoamericano de Derecho de Seguros (CILA).