5th Marval Annual Summit on Compliance

We invite you to the 5th Marval Annual Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption, and Investigations, featuring world-class experts who will share their experience in challenges, developments, and trends in this field.  

  • September 14, 2022

  • 9:00 AM

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Hybrid


On September 14, between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (Argentina time, GMT - 3), the 5th edition of the Marval Annual Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations will take place, a leading international event on the subject.

Like every year, we will have the most prominent local and international experts, who will share their real experience in this practice, analyzing trends and challenges. The conference will be led by Gustavo Morales Oliver, head of the Compliance, Anticorruption and Investigations department at Marval O'Farrell Mairal.

As exclusive benefits for face to face attendees, they will have the opportunity to share an exclusive lunch and coffee breaks in our special networking area, where a meet & greet will be held with national and foreign referents, as well as a special closing cocktail. They will also receive a certificate of attendance.

This open and collaborative environment is an additional benefit that will promote interaction between high-level expert colleagues; an opportunity not to be missed by those who visit us in our firm, prior confirmation of the event.

The event will be held in person and will be broadcasted simultaneously online live for virtual attendants. Vacancies for face-to-face attendance are limited, so please register and wait for confirmation to arrive. Registration is free of charge in all cases.



¡Register now by clicking the registration button in this page!



Agenda (ARG Time I GMT - 3)


Networking Breakfast  - 8.30 a.m. 


Opening - 9.00 a.m. - (Spanish)

  • Santiago Carregal, Chairman (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)

Panel - 9.10 a.m. - "Present and Future of Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations" (Spanish)

  • Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)

Panel - 9.25 a.m. - "The vision of the Anti-corruption Office of Argentina" (Spanish)

  •  Luis VillanuevaSubsecretario de Integridad y Transparencia (Oficina Anticorrupción) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Moderator: Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)

Panel - 9.50 a.m. - "The vision of the United States Department of Justice" (English)

  • David LastChief, FCPA Unit, Fraud Section, Criminal Division (U.S. Department of Justice) (USA) (Remote)
  • Moderator: Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


Panel - 10.15 a.m. - "The vision of the brazilian MPF(English)

  • Marcelo Ribeiro de Oliveira, Federal Prosecutor at Brazilian Federal Prosecution Service, Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Unit  (MPF) (Brazil) (On site)
  • Moderator: Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


10:40 Coffee & Networking Break


Panel - 10:55 a.m. - "The vision of Compliance officers" (Spanish)

  • Mónica Gutiérrez, Senior Compliance Officer (Stryker) (Mexico) (On site)
  • María Archimbal, Chief Compliance Officer (YPF) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Hernán Cao, Legal and Compliance Director (Bristol Myers Squibb) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Federico Vielmi, Latin America Compliance Director (Ford Motor Company) (Argentina) (On site)

  • Moderator: Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


Panel - 11:35 a.m. - "Compliance and Enforcement in Europe" (English)

  • Leticia López-Lapuente, Digital and Privacy Partner (Uría Menéndez) (Spain) (Remote)
  • Marleen Velthuis, Fraud, White Collar Crime & Investigations Partner (NautaDutilh) (Netherlands) (Remote)
  • Patricia M. Bailey, Compliance Officer - Western Europe (MAN Truck & Bus) (France) (Remote)
  • Sam Tate, Financial Crime and Compliance Partner (RPC) (UK) (Remote)
  • Moderator: Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


Panel - 12:15 a.m. - "Interdisciplinary Compliance in Argentina" (Spanish)

  • Ricardo Ostrower, Litigation Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Guillermo Osorio, Labor Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Lorena Schiariti, Public Law Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Andrés O’Farrell, Criminal Law Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Moderator: Lorena Schiariti, Public Law Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


12:55 Networking Lunch 


Panel - 14:00 p.m. - "Compliance and Enforcement in USA" (English)

  • Daniel Kahn, White Collar Defense and Investigations Partner (Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP) (USA) (Remote)
  • Andrew Levine, Litigation and Compliance Partner (Debevoise & Plimpton) (USA) (Remote)
  • Jeffrey Clark, Litigation, Compliance and Enforcement Partner (Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP) (USA) (Remote)
  • María González CalvetAnti-Corruption & International Risk Partner (Ropes & Gray LLP) (USA) (Remote)
  • Moderator: Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


Panel - 14:40 p.m. - "Forensics Investigations" (Spanish)

  • Raúl Saccani, Managing Partner of Forensic and Dispute Services LatAm (Deloitte) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Ana Lopez Espinar, Head of Forensic Services LatAm (KPMG) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Leandro Dores, Partner, Forensic and Integrity Services LatAm (EY) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Andrés Sarcuno, Head of Data Analytics in Fraud Detection LatAm (PwC) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Juan Cruz Amirante, Associate Managing Director LatAm (Kroll) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Moderator: Raúl Saccani, Managing Partner of Forensic and Dispute Services LatAm (Deloitte) (Argentina) (On site)


Panel - 15:20 p.m. - "Global Compliance and Enforcement" (English)

  • Delia Ferreira Rubio, Global Chair (Transparency International) (Alemania) (Remote)
  • Moderator: Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


15:45 Coffee and Networking break 


Panel - 16:00 p.m. - "Corporate Investigations in LatAm" (English)

  • Thiago Jabor Pinheiro, Compliance and Investigations Partner (Mattos Filho) (Brazil) (On site)
  • Lisa Vicens, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton) (USA) (On site)
  • Martin De Luca, Disputes and Investigations Partner (Kobre & Kim) (Brazil) (On site)
  • George "Ren" McEachern, President (TrustStorm Solutions Incorporated) (USA) (Remote)
  • Moderator: Thiago Jabor Pinheiro, Compliance and Investigations Partner (Mattos Filho) (Brazil) (On site)


Panel - 16:40 p.m. - "Interdisciplinary Compliance in Argentina (2)" (Spanish)

  • Enrique Stile, Labor Partner (Marval O’Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Santiago del Río, Antitrust Partner (Marval O’Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Francisco Abeal, Banking and AML Partner (Marval O’Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Gonzalo Márquez Alonso de la Bárcena, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Associate (Marval O’Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)
  • Moderator: Enrique Stile, Labor Partner (Marval O’Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


Panel - 17:15 p.m. - "Compliance and Enforcement in LatAm: Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Chile" (English)

  • Shin Jae Kim, Compliance and Investigations Partner (Tozzini Freire) (Brazil) (On site)
  • Diego Sierra, Litigation, Compliance and Investigations Partner (Von Wobeser & Sierra) (Mexico) (On site)
  • Guillermo Acuña, Compliance Partner (Carey) (Chile) (On site)
  • Daniel Rodríguez, Compliance and Investigations Partner (CMS Rodríguez-Azuero) (Colombia) (Remote)
  • Moderator: Shin Jae Kim, Compliance and Investigations Partner (Tozzini Freire) (Brazil) (On site)


17:55 - Closing Remarks

  • Gustavo Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) (On site)


18:00 - Closing Cocktail 


Previous Editions: